Begin the Over-Again Ceramic Adventure

Up to no good, Sean & I have gotten into more trouble.
With a new idea we went and purchased some once-loved plates and cups, etc. and then we drew on them with a ceramic over glaze. I am learning. We fire them in a kiln and voila! A re-creation fit for the Over-Again label... heh.
Where can I see this work you ask?
Ah, well, if you are in this Bay Area you can visit the lovely and wonderful Blankspace Gallery, where our work will be making its debut. This Friday night is the time if you want to be there with the crowds.
Otherwise, if you really just want to sit behind the computer, you can!
just go to and shop to your heart's content.
And, as things develop there is a new blog just for the Over-Again things.
Wish us luck....